Addressing climate change related competitiveness concerns: approaches in the EU and the US and their implications for ChinaTrade, climate change and global competitiveness: opportunities and challenges for sustainable development in China and beyond; draft. ICTSD Trade and Sustainable Energy Series Selected Issue BriefsProgramme on Trade and Environment Brewer, Thomas L.; International Centre for Trade and Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development; |
La tierra, fuente de vida ¿para quiénes?. Ambientico. Fournier, María Elena.; Universidad Nacional. Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales.; |
South-South trade in renewable energy: a trade flow analysis of selected environmental goods UNEP; |
Revista Energética 1988-1 = Energy magazine 1988-1 |
La jurisprudencia de la OMC: gasolina reformulada Sinapsis Fundación para el Desarrollo de los Espacios Económicos Integrados; |
Compressed natural gas (CNG) technologies for road transport Naciones Unidas. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificAlemania. Gobierno; CESPAP; |
La defensa del consumidor: importancia de la seguridad en productos eléctricos |
Things that go blip in the night: standby power and how to limit it |
The efects of climate change policies on international trade and competitiveness: the China factorTrade, climate change and global competitiveness: opportunities and challenges for sustainable development in China and beyond; draft. ICTSD Trade and Sustainable Energy Series Selected Issue BriefsProgramme on Trade and Environment Mani, Muthukumara; International Centre for Trade and Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development; |
Estandarización de combustibles: un importante paso = Standarization of fuels: an important step. En: Revista energética = Energy magazine |
Interconexiones energéticas y la integración regional en América Latina y El Caribe : subregión Mexico-Centroamérica, informe final. |
Energía limpia y el mercado mundial emergente de CO2. Revista INCAE. |
Políticas económicas para el comercio y el ambiente. Segura Bonilla, Olman. Moreno Díaz, Mary Luz.; Universidad Nacional. Centro Internacional de Política Económica.; |