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Compressed natural gas (CNG) technologies for road transport

199430 aug.-11 sep. 1993


Country report of Azerbaiyan: supply and use of natural gas and its utilization for road transport; por Aleskerov, Shamil A. y Farkhadov, Roufat A.. Country report of China: utilization of natural gas in road transport and urban transport; por Fengtian, Cai y Wanging, Huang. Country report of India: transportation fuel requirements: a case for fuel alternatives; por Gandhi, K. K.. Country report of the Islamic Republic of Iran: the Islamic Republic of Iran converts mass transportation vehicles to gas operation; por Adibi, Ali. Country report of Malaysia: utilization of natural gas for vehicle (NGV) in road transport; por Seng, Lee Giok. Country report of Myanmar: energy utilization in road transport sector; por Khine, U. Kyaw. Country report of Pakistan: supply and use of natural gas; por Salri, G. A.. Country report of the Philippines: potential for natural gas use in road transport; por Valbuena, Cesar T.. Country report of Thailand: compressed natural gas (CNG) in road transport; por Chotrup, Preecha. Country report of Turkmenistan: use of compressed natural gas (CNG); por Yazberdyev, Meret S.. The German natural gas industry and its European cooperation: supplies, transport, utilization; por Wackertapp, Hans. Compressed natural gas (CNG): a new fuel environment-friendly mobile application; por von Korff, Peter. Combustion engine research on test beds; por Aepler, Eberhard. CNG and environmental protection; por Grundmannn, Werner. Safety and technical standards with reference to the EC standardization in the use of CNG vehicles; por Schultheis, Stephan. Mobile storage systems (cylinders) for natural gas; por Geppert, U.. Today's situation and trends in natural gas refueling station in Asia and abroad; por Neudorf, Werner. Practical tests with natural gas in urban and regional transit systems in the Netherlands; por Verstegen, Peter. The use of CNG vehicle technology in Germany; por Starck, Manfred. The CNG-engine E 2866 DUH/DF for buses and trucks and its properties; por Knorr, Herbert. Mercedes-Benz low-floor city buses 0405 I/0405 GN powered with natural gas; por Hülsmann, Dietrich. Passenger cars and light-duty vehicles powered with natural gas; por Holthaus, Ulrich

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