Power generation potential of biomass gasification systems. J. American Power Conference.
Biomass has the potencial to contribute a significant portion of the elctricity consumed in industrilized nations and a major share of the power mix in developing countries. In adittion to providing an alternative to fossil-fuel basedenergy and creating new markets for agriculture a renewable resource like biomass used in a sustaoinable fashion facilitates closure of carbone cycle. To realize these beneficts, particulary in the shadow of uncertainties cast by deregulation and recent changes in federal energy and agricultural policies, biomass power systems must be competitive with incumbent power-generation technologies in terms of generation effeciency and overall cost.. Anticipated performance and cost of biomass- based integrated gasification, combined-cycle power systems are discssed. The electric power that can be generated worlwide using existing biomass resources and the potencial amount that could be generated from crops grown specifically for electricity generation are projected. Technical and economic obstacles which must be overcome before advance biomass power systems based on aeroderivative turbines or fuell cells can become fully commercial are identified. Research development and demostration efforts underway or being planned to overcome those obstacles are described, developments in a major biomass gasification demonstration project taking placein ....
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