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Result - 2350 Documents

Transiciones de las fuentes de energía : perspectivas a largo plazo

Yokell, Michael D.; Perelman, Lewis J.; Giebelhaus, August W.;

Reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound energy for America's future

United States. National Energy Policy Development Group;

Los marcos reguladores en los Estados Unidos después de la EPA. En : Estrategias de desarrollo energético en los mercados regionales integrados

Domingo Blánquez, Francisco; Yáñez Quintana, Manuel; Arriaza Cañedo-Argüelles, José;

América del norte : perfil energético

Grupo de trabajo de energía de América del Norte;

Understanding public policy

Dye, Thomas R.;

Codes, standards and legislation. En : Energy management handbook

Thumann, Albert; Christenson, Clint;

Bureaucratic power in national policy making

Rourke, Francis E.;

Powering the new economy : energy accomplishments, investments, chalenges

Estados Unidos. Department of energy;

Cogeneration and distributed generation. En : Energy management handbook

Kovacik, John M.; Wong, Jorge B.;

Federal geothermal geoscience research : fiscal year 1998

Estados Unidos. Department of Energy;

The changing structure of the electric power industry : an update

Energy Information Administration, EIA;

Energy integration in the European Union : a critical evaluation of policy iniciatives and common action programmes

AXIA Inc.;

Frontiers of sustainability : environmentally sound agriculture, forestry, transportation, and power production

Dower, Roger, et al.;

Clean coal technology demonstration program : program update 2000

Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy; Estados Unidos. Department of Energy;


Kovacik, John M.; Wong, Jorge B.;

Integrated public lands management : principles and applications to national forests, parks, wildlife refuges, and BLM lands

Loomis, John B.;

A ocho años del alineamiento : un análisis de la política exterior Argentina hacia los Estados Unidos

Busso, Anabella;

Directorio de la industria fotovoltáica de Los Estados Unidos

Solar Energy Industries Association, SELA;

Financial impacts of nonutility power purchases on investor - owned electric utilities

Energy Information Administration, EIA;

Wind energy resource atlas of the United States

Elliott, D.L., et al.;

Energizing finance understanding the land scapeView Record
Nationally determinated contributions under de Paris Agreement.View Record
Nuclear energy for a net zero worldView Record
World energy outlook 2021View Record
Nationally determined contributions across the Americas. A comparative hemispheric analysis.View Record
Código de Instalaciones Eléctricas de NicaraguaView Record
Economía ambiental : una introducción.View Record
Apuntes para un manual técnico de diseño, estandarización y fabricación de equipos para pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas. Turbinas Michell - BankiView Record
Informe de estadísticas energéticas = Energy statistics report 2012View Record
Manual estadística energética 2017 = Energy statistics manual 2017View Record

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