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THE EPA's protocols for verifying savings from utility energy-conservation programs. J. Energy.



As part of its acid rain program, the U.S. E.P.A. has established a sysstem of tradable SO2 emission allowances. The regulations also permit electric utilities to earn emission allowances thought conservation programs. The utility may verify the savings with Conservation Verification Protocols (CVPs). Used of the CVPs encouraging monitoring and established a consistent procedure for evaluating electricity savings in all sectors and electrical end uses. In limited cases where the energy savings can be reliably predicted, the CVPs are used to stipulate savings or a procedure to calculate them. The CVPs represents new concepts, including a proceduring for linking the amount of savings to confidence that they ocurred and a flexible aproach to estimation of subsecuent year energy savings. The CVPs are now being used by utilities and some of these have submitted applications for varified savings.

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