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Proceedings of the 6th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop 1985. Geothermal prospects in the Djibouti Republic. New Zealand Geothermal Workshop [7-9 Nov. 1984, New Zealand].




Four major areas with prospects have been found in the Djibouti Republic. One of the areas is the Assal Rift, an active rift associated with present-day vulcanism; the rift constitutes the west-ward extension of the Gulf of Tadjoura Rift. The other major areas are associated with depressions bounded by active faults parallel to the Assal Rift. The first exploratory well drilled in the Assal Rift was a discovery well (Assal-1) which produced hot brine. It is likely that other brine systems also occur in the Assal Rift. Deep exploration drilling will commence soon in another geothermal area, the Hanle area, to find out whether hot water (i.e. non-brine) systems exist which might be more suitabale for electric power generation.

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