Energy statistics of non-OECD countries = statistiques de l' energie des pays non-membres 2001 - 2002 International Energy Agency; Organisation for economic co - operation and development; |
Energy balances of non - OECD countries = Bilans energetiques des pays non-membres 2000 - 2001 International Energy Agency; Organisation for Economic Co - operation and Development; |
Regulations to control ozone depleting substances : a guidebook Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, UNEP; Mutilateral Fund for the Implementacion of the Montreal Protocol; Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI; |
Moving ahead with solar cookers : acceptance and introduction to the market |
Confronting climate change : economic priorities and climate protection in developing nations, a climate of trust report |
Energy for sustainable rural development projects : case studies Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO; |
La cooperation UE - ACP en 1998 : vers un nouvel accord de partenariat a long terme = EU-ACP cooperation in 1998 : towards a new long term partnership agreement |
Energy as a tool for sustainable development for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries |
La pré - électrification solaire en milieu rural : les expériences et les perspectives d'une diffusion des systémes photovoltaiques familiaux |
The clean development mechanism and Africa Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, UNEP; Ghana. Enviromental Proyection Agency; |
Technology transfer from Latin America - specifaclly from Brazil - to Africa for large hydroelectric power generation projects |
A state of the art survey of solar powered irrigation pumps, solar cookers and wood burning stoves for use in sub - Sahara Africa |
Biosafety capacity building : evaluation criteria development |