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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Hydrogen production in solar central receiver plants. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].




This paper intends to make a scope of the state of the art from several hydrogen production processes under a solar Central Receiver point of view. TCP cycles, with a well known technology, seem to have short-term applications, after successful ceramic receiver and high temperature storage development are achieved. Water splitting will have a long-term application in CRS plants. USA is making special efforts in testing ceramic exchangers in order to make viable the sulfur-iodine cycle as an intermediate-term process. Other methods as HTE and photochemistry do not show, at this stage, a clear advantage for high concentrated beam. On the other hand, they need a serious change of the current technology. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. SHORT-TERM PROCESSES (TCP). Eva/Adam system. CO2 reforming of methane. LONG TERM PROCESSES (WATER SPLITTING). High temperature electrolysis (HTE). Sulfur-Iodine thermochemical process. Hybrid quantum/thermal crs plant. CONCLUSIONS. REFERENCES.

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