Alternative means of achieving a sustainable public transport system in the city of Quito - Ecuador Vejar, Danny; Ramírez, Claudia; Marroquín, Guillermo; Ocampos, Carlos; Ortega, Nélson; Ince, David; |
Energías renovables en el Ecuador: situación actual, tendencias y perspectivas. Espinoza Abad, Juan Leonardo, Editor.; Peláez Samaniego, Manuel Raúl, Editor; |
Enciclopedia de la mecánica : ingeniería y técnica. Propiedades termofísicas de los fluídos. Cap. 52. |
Annual review of energy and the environment. Technology for electricity and fuels from biomass. |
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Cars and climate change. Life-cycle analysis of alternative fuels. Energy and the environment series. |
Fuentes de energía no convencionales. |
Hidrógeno : informe preliminar sobre su tecnología. Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad. Dirección de Planificación Eléctrica.; |
Renewable energy : sources for fuels and electricity. Solar hydrogen. |
Present status of R D for hidrogen production from water in Japan. Energy Research. Yoshida, Kunio.; University of Tokyo. Dept. of Chemical Engineering.; |
Searching for alternatives : alternative energy development. CPL Bibliography. Council of Planning Librarians.; Gitisetan, Darrin D. Parsons, Gary L.; |
Digest : energy for tomorrow. Renewable energy technologies : biogas solar power. World Energy Conference [14, 17-22 Sep. 1989, Montreal]. |