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Energy : the solar-hydrogen alternative. Modes of transduction and usage of hydrogen.




The chemical converter. Other chemical engines. Other chemical engines. The aphodid steam engine. Rocket engines. MHD conversion. The functioning of an electrochemical energy converter. Pollution and electrochemical conversion. Heat generation in fuel cells : quantitative. The basic relation between the rate of functioning of an electrochemical converter and its potential. Efficiency. Power. Diffuse power concepts possible electrochemical converters. Total energy concepts. Target programme. The electrochemical engine. Porous electrodes. Forms of reactors. Heat generation and fuel cells. Quantitative. Advantages and disadvantages of electrochemical transduction. Applications of fuel cells. Uses of electrochemical. Applications of fuel cells. Uses of electrochemical converters in the pre-hydrogen economy time. Difficulties of fuel cells in the 1979's. Assembly of actual fuel cells. Other devices needed during the use of hydrogen. Major research recommendations.

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