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Reducing greenhouse gases under the UN. FCCC.



In the context of the UN. FCCC, the paper considers the progress being made by industrialised countries to implement the Convention. The focus is on industrialised countries and on mitigation action. Based on a review of preliminary information available from four OCDE countries (Canada, Germany, the UK, and the US), the paper compares national strategies and progress toward meeting domestic targets. Based on this information, the paper concludes that industrialised countries are just beginning to work toward the stabilisation aim identified in the Convention: stabilisation of GHG at 1990 levels by 2000. Even if they achieve stabilisation of GHG by 2000, GHG are not likely to remain stabilised for long. Nevertheless, industrialised countries have yet to demostrate that they can achieve this target.. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. Aim and Approach of the Paper. THE NATIONAL COMMUNICAITONS MECHANISM. NATIONAL STRATEGIES: FOUR COUNTRIES COMPARED. National Targets Compared to FCCC Goal of Stabilisation. Some General Observations About Policy Selection. Overall Estimates of GHG Reductions Resulting from National Strategies. CONCLUSIONS.

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