Investing in the future : harnessing private capital flows for environmentally sustainable development |
Improving power system efficiency in the developing countries through performance contracting |
El proceso de desarrollo tecnológico en los países industrializados. En: Temas selectos sobre tecnología alternativa |
Generación eólica de electricidad : la energía del viento. Revista Electricidad. Montoya P., Alvaro. Jiménez S., Gustavo.; Asociación Nacional de Instaladores Electricistas y Afines.; |
Renewable energy technology alternatives for development countries. J. IEEE Power Engineering Review. |
Joint implementation and cost-effectiveness under the framework convention on climate change. Energy Policy. |
Posibilidades y limitaciones en la utilización de fuentes renovables de energía. Comercio Exterior. |
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Nonfarm employment in small-scale forest-based enterprises : policy and environmental issues.. Working Paper. |
Power generation options : rehabilitation for life extension and cogeneration. Naciones Unidas. Depto. for Development Support and Management Services Energy Branch.; |
Energy efficiency in transportation : alternatives for the future. Naciones Unidas. Depto. of Development Support and Management Services. Energy Branch.; |
Reforms and private participation in the power sector of selected Latin American and Caribbean and industrialized countries. Report. Latin America and the Caribbean Technical Department. Regional Studies Program.; Covarrubias, Alvaro J. Maia, Suzanne B.; |
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Using scenarios to explore future energy demand in industrialized countries. J. Energy Policy. |
Domestic coal pricing : suggested principles and present policies in selected countries. Energy Department Paper. Banco Mundial. Depto. de Energía.; Bentjerodt, J. Roberto ...[et al.].; |