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Grain ethanol as a petroleum sustitute : a perspective.



INTRODUCTION. GRAIN PRODUCTION AND AGRICULTURAL POLICY. ECONOMICS OF GRAIN ETHANOL. Manufacture. market Value. Tax exemption for Gasohol. Future Corn Price. ROLE FOR GRAIN ETHANOL. References. LIST OF FIGURES. Maximum corn Inut Prices for Production of Ethanol at Market Value. Production and Use of Industrial Ethanol Based on 1979 Quantities. LIST OF TABLES. Summary of Grain Ethanol Selling Price. Variation of Ethanol Selling Price vith Corn and DDG Prices. Midwester Refinery-Gate Prices of Unleaded Regular Gasoline. Variation of Ethanol Value with Crude Oil Acquisition Price. Value of Ethanol Used in Gasohol. Federal an State Tax Exemptions for Ethanol Used in Gasohol. Maximum corn Input Prices for Production of Ethanol al Market Value. U.S. Demand for Ethanol. Solvent Markets for Ethanol. Chemical Markets for Ethanol. Industrial Ethanol Pruduction. U.S. Production Capacity for Ethylene-Based Ethanol. Prices of Industrial Ethanol and Ethylene. Ethylene from Ethanol: Plant-Gate Selling Prices.

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