Proyecto Rio Viejo - Master Plan - Irrigation Study: Final Report. |
Proyecto Rio Viejo - Master Plan. Executive Summary - Final Report. |
La Sirena Hydropower Project - Feasibility Study Vol.1 Main Report - Draft. |
La Sirena Hydropower Project. Feasibility Studies, Tender Design and Tender Document. Feasibility Report Drillcore and Sample Photographs. |
Proyecto Rio Viejo - Master Plan Feasibility Study, Tender Design and Tender Document - Inception Report. |
Proyecto Rio Viejo - Master Plan Seismological Study - Final Report. |
Master Plan Prefeasibility Study of Lower Rio Viejo: Final Report. |
Prefeasibility Study: Los Calpules 2 - La Sirena - Final Report; Vol.A - Main Report; Vol. B-Appendices. |
Proyecto Rio Viejo - Master Plan Water Rights Study: Final Report. |
Proyecto Rio Viejo - Master Plan. Hydrological Study: Draft Final Report. |
Proyecto Rio Viejo - Master Plan. Hydrological Study: Draft Final Report. |
Proyecto Rio Viejo-Master Plan. Final main Report Volumen 1B-Appendices-Drawings. |
Proyecto Rio Viejo Master Plan - Volumen I Main Report. |
Master Plan for Rio Viejo and Feasibility Study for Montegrande Hydropower Project. Consulting Services for Los Calpules Hydropower Project: Progress Report No.2. |
La Sirena Hydropower Project. Fesability Study Final Report-Appendices |
Los Calpules Hydropower Plant - Tender Documents. Contract 1 Civil Works. |
Montegrande Hydro Power Project Phase III - Tender Design and Tender Documents. Proposal for Consulting Services -Technical and Financial Propasal. Swedpower AB Sweden in Association with Norconsult International. ; |
Proyecto Rio Viejo - Los Calpules. Design Report. |