Public and private sector roles in the supply of electricity services
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Public and private sector roles in the supply of gas services in developing countries
Author: Banco Mundial ;
El programa energía, ambiente y población, EAP
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Supporting gender and sustainable energy : initiatives in Central America
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Perú : reforma y privatización en el sector hidrocarburos
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Estudio comparativo sobre la distribución de la renta petrolera, estudio de casos : Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Population, energy and environment program - PEA : comparative analysis on the distribution of oil rents
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Five years after Rio : innovations in environmental policy
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Producao de álcool de biomassa nos países em desemvolvimento
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Expanding the measure of wealth : indicators of environmentally sustainable development
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Seminario Latinoamericano de planificación energética para el sector residencial
Author: Banco Mundial ;
The world bank and the enviroment : a progress report fiscal 1991
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Profile of energy sector activities of the World Bank in Europe and Central Asia Region : country profiles
Author: Banco mundial ;
Profile of energy sector activities of the world bank in Europe and central Asia region
Author: Banco Mundial ;
La función del Banco Mundial en el sector de la electricidad : políticas para efectuar una reforma institucional, regulatoria y financiera eficaz
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Energía : eficiencia y conservación en el mundo en desarrollo, función del Banco Mundial
Author: Banco Mundial ;
Jamaica : demand side management demonstration project
Author: Banco Mundial ;