Operating experience with large scale digestion of urban refuse with sewage sludge. En : Clean fuels from biomass and wastes |
Syngas process converts waste to SNG. En : Clean fuels from biomass and wastes |
Chicago's new refuse disposal installation. En : Clean fuels from biomass and wastes |
The economics of recovering recyclable materials from urban wastes. En : Clean fuels from biomass and wastes |
Rotary kiln gasification of biomass and municipal wastes. En : Clean fuels from biomass and wastes |
Evaluación del potencial de cultivos orgánicos con fines energéticos |
Clean fuels from biomass, sewage, urban refuse, agricultural wastes : symposium papers |
First biomass conference of the Americas : energy, environment, agriculture, and industry |
Aproveitamento energético dos resíduos da agroindústria da cana - de - acucar |
Utilización de residuos agrícolas y agroindustriales en América Latina y El Caribe |