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Megabreccia shedding from moderns, low-relief carbonate plataforms, Nicaraguan Rise

August 1992

18.10-3 Reg.2400

Single-channel seismic reflection data from the margins of low-relief (150-250m, measured from edge of bank to basin), carbonate platforms on the northern Nicaraguan Rise reveal complex seismic intervals consisting of mounded, chaotic seismic facies interspersed with discontinuous, (parallel/laminated seismic facies). We interpret that these intervals contain megabreccias (chaotic facies) and sandy turbidities (parallel/laminated facies). One megabreccia is exposed on the sea floor displaying an overall fan shape having individual blocks measuring nearly 300m across and >110 m high.

Ministerio de Energía y Minas - Centro de Documentación

Marjorie Montiel

Hospital Bautista, 1 C. Este, 1 Cuadra al Norte. Managua

2280-9500 al 09

De Lunes a Viernes de las 8:00am - 5:00pm.

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