Surficial Geology of Central Marrabios Range, Nicaragua
August 1977
18.10-1 Reg.2346
This study of the surficial geology of the central Marrabios Range, Nicaragua, was commissioned by the Empresa Nacional de Luz y Fuerza, through its consultant, California Energy Company, Inc., from February through July, 1977. The purpose was to provide reasonably detailed information on the geology, structure, and thermal manifestations of an area of the volcanic chain between Momotombo and Telica/San Jacinto volcanoes. The information, in the form of a map and short accompanying report, was to provide data helpful in exploration for geothermal resources.
Ministerio de Energía y Minas - Centro de Documentación
Marjorie Montiel
Hospital Bautista, 1 C. Este, 1 Cuadra al Norte. Managua
2280-9500 al 09
De Lunes a Viernes de las 8:00am - 5:00pm.