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Key factor energy: German technical cooperation, on the way to a sustainable energy supply



Contenido:. Energy efficiency: Brazil. Energy: efficient building design, Macedonia. Programme for biomass energy conservation in SADC countries. Use of biomass: Ethiopia. Wind energy: Colombia. GTZ: in drei Schritten zur CO2, neutralität. GTZ: three steps to CO2 neutrality. Photovoltaic pump systems: Chile. Rural electrification: Brazil. Scaling up household energy: Uganda. Energy policy: Uganda. Energy efficiency: Argentina. Optimisation of power stations: China. Hydropower: Tibet. Household energy. Market oriented policies for rural electrification: category, poverty reduction and health. Energy efficiency for improving competitiveness of SMEs: category, strengthening local economies. Cost reductions through training of power plant personnel: category, boosting capacities for market development. Energy partnerships for development. Policies for energy efficiency in industry and commerce: category, improving framework conditions. Biogas programmes for less pollution: category, improving environmental standards. Shifting the balance for energy in Africa. Energy prices and development. Efficient use of biomass for cooking: category, poverty reduction and health. Small scale power supply for rural development: category, strengthening local economies. Sustainable energy in small island developing states: category, improving framework conditions. A model for the dissemination of energy efficient technology: category, strengthening local economies

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