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Building Climate Equity - Creating a New Approach from the Ground Up


As climate impacts mount, so does the urgency of resolving the equity challenge. Those least responsible for climate change are often the most vulnerable to changes in weather patterns, sea level rise, and other impacts, further exacerbating existing inequities. Meanwhile, actions—both to address climate impacts and to reduce emissions—are intertwined with broader equity issues involving livelihoods, health, food security, and energy access. The urgency of the equity challenge is heightened by recent negotiations for the new international climate agreement in 2015. Parties have determined that the agreement must be both applicable to all Parties and remain under the Convention, raising questions regarding equity that must be addressed by global leaders if the agreement is to build consensus and ambition. This report offers a new approach to these challenges linking actions to combat climate change with broader equity objectives. This approach places the well-being of people and communities at the core of climate action, illustrating how well-designed low-carbon energy and adaptation policies can promote and enhance the capabilities of the most vulnerable and least well off.

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

Alba Gamarra de Guardia

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Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems