Promoting Institutional & Organisational Development: A Source Book of Tools and Techniques
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This sourcebook outlines some of the key tools used by those involved in institutional development.While there are an increasing number of tools and techniques,we have focused here on those that are used or have been used in DFIDs own institutional work.We have for example drawn on the Sourcebook on Institutional Development for Utilities and Infrastructure prepared by PriceWaterhouseCoopers in 2000 for DFIDs Sustainable Livelihoods Support Office. The World Bank has also been developing and piloting some diagnostic tools that focus on specific aspects of institutional development, from Civil Service Institutional Assessment to legal and judicial review.We have included one example here (Tool 1/1) and others are covered in depth on the World Bank website ( Governance Department have also developed a Governance Review Framework to cover the 7 key governance capabilities and guidance on the use of this tool and others can be obtained from DFID. Most of the tools are either simple models or checklists designed to help you through the key issues. They all have rigorous theoretical underpinnings and are based on practical experience of what works. Most importantly, the tools provide a common framework for encouraging discussion between the stakeholders involved in the institutional reform process. None of the tools is intended to be a blueprint, all have their strengths and weaknesses, and they should be adapted to reflect the local context in which you work and in a way that works best for you. [Introduction]
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