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The role of gender concerns in the planning of small-scale energy projects in developing countries


Energy poverty affects women in developing countries more severely than it affects men; at the same time, women have less control over household resources and are often not involved in decision-making processes on energy matters. In order for transition processes of energy systems to be sustainable, these gender-related concerns need to be addressed. Although this link is widely recognized, gender aspects are still not well perceived in the planning of energy projects. To better understand the role of gender concerns in project planning, the research presented in this paper evaluates concepts of small-scale sustainable energy projects with regard to their gender sensitivity. The data originates from an expert evaluation process and was analyzed with focus on gender-related aspects. The results show that even in sustainable energy projects the issue is still not high on the agenda. The paper can be found on pages 85-88 of the proceedings of the conference Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering Untapped Resources which took place from 10-12 April 2014 in Berkeley, USA.

Proceedings of the conference "Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering Untapped Resources" 2014

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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