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Policy and regulatory review



A priority area for REEEP is the promotion of policies and regulatory mechanisms that support renewable energy and energy efficiency (sustainable energy). REEEP has produced via its Sustainable Energy Regulation Network – SERN this review to set out the energy policy and energy market regulatory frameworks in a number of countries, particularly as they affect the use of sustainable energy. Such information is essential to establish the opportunities and challenges in developing policies that will facilitate sustainable energy. The review summarises individual country reports prepared by some of the REEEP regional secretariats on the countries that they cover. The full reports on each country are available for REEEP members from the SERN homepage: http://www.reeep.org/groups/sern. This is the second edition of the review and it covers six regions - Southern Africa; Russia and Former Soviet Union; South Asia; Latin America and Caribbean, Eastern and Central European Countries; South East Asia and Pacific. [Extractos: Introduction]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

Alba Gamarra de Guardia

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