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Renewables 2012 Global Status Report


REN21 was established in 2005 to convene international leadership and a variety of stakeholders to enable a rapid global transition to renewable energy. REN21’s Renewables Global Status Report (GSR) was first released later that year; it grew out of an effort to comprehensively capture, for the first time, the full status of renewable energy worldwide. The report also aimed to align perceptions with the reality that renewables were playing a growing role in mainstream energy markets and in economic development. Over the years, the GSR has expanded in scope and depth, in parallel with tremendous advances in renewable energy markets and industries. The report has become a major production that involves the amalgamation of thousands of data points, hundreds of reports and other documents, and personal communications with experts from around the world. The report is a true collaborative effort of around 400 experts, several authors, REN21 Secretariat staff, Steering Committee members, regional research partners, and numerous individual contributors and reviewers. With the support of such a wide community, the GSR has become the most frequently referenced report on renewable energy business and policy, serving a wide range of audiences.

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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