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Renewables Global Status Report 2006 Update



This update covers major changes since mid-2005 when the Renewables 2005 Global Status Report was written. Background and further information is contained in the original report. Record investment in new renewable energy capacity occurred in 2005—$38 billion, up from $30 billion in 2004. Germany and China were the investment leaders, with about $7 billion each, followed by the United States, Spain, Japan, and India.Wind power registered the second highest added capacity, almost as much as large hydropower, with existing capacity growing 24 percent to reach 59 gigawatts (GW). Biomass power production saw 50–100 percent increases in annual production in several countries in 2004. High growth rates also occurred in biodiesel (85 percent increase in annual production) and grid-connected solar PV (55 percent increase in existing capacity). Solar hot water existing capacity grew by 23 percent in China and reached record levels across Europe as well. And construction began in the United States and Spain on the world’s first utility-scale solar thermal power plants in 20 years. [Extracto: Executive Summary]

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