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Renewable Energy Regional Policy Analysis Report



This document was prepared for the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC 2008). The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) was asked by the US State Department to carry out three regional preparatory meetings in Asia, Latin American and the Caribbean, and Southern Africa, in order to provide regional feedback to WIREC Ministerial Meeting. To achieve this REEEP’s International Secretariat worked with its three secretariats in Asia, and its secretariats for Latin America and Southern Africa, to design a regional consultation strategy, which involved a questionnaire and workshops (held in Melbourne, New Delhi, Pretoria, and Singapore). REEEP’s consultation process was designed to define the expectations of the various high-level regional Renewable Energy stakeholders with regard to the WIREC 2008 conference. Following the overall Executive Summary of this overall report, the individual reports by the Regional Secretariats are alphabetically contained with this report. Following consultations with high-level stakeholders in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Southern Africa, this report endeavours to identify the main barriers to the uptake of an important form of clean technology - renewable energy; and offers solutions on how to overcome these barriers. Strong global leadership is needed to ensure that the potential of renewable technologies is realised. Affordable technological solutions already exist, and as these regional reports will show, such technologies offer solutions to improve both social and economic development, and help countries to balance their energy demand with their energy supply portfolio, and provide this in a manner that is diverse, stable, secure and sustainable manner. [Extractos: Introduction, Executive Summary]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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