Energy Efficiency Technologies - ANNEX I
Siemens AG realized in 2012 the study Analysis of energy efficiency potentials part I which aimed at analyzing energy efficiency potentials in the sector industry. The focus of the study part I was on energy efficiency technologies in the industrial sector in Germany.
In a second step, in the course of the study Energy efficiency potentials and barriers of realization in the industry sector part II, this analysis has been extended and deepened. Objective has been to create a profound basis of data and information in order to answer questions and create statements in the field of energy efficiency.
Regarding the relevance of the topic energy efficiency in whole Europe the focus has been enlarged to six further European countries (UK, France, Italy, Austria, Sweden and Turkey). Besides, an analysis for EU27 and a global calculation have been done.
Furthermore an in-depth analysis for three particular technologies/products of the sector industry (energy efficient motors, frequency converters for speed control and energy data management systems) for the German market has been realized. Also an analysis of energy efficiency potentials in three branches (food & beverage, minerals, pulp & paper) has been done.
Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER
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Biblioteca física 10:00 a 14:00.