Participatory Methods Toolkit: A practitioners manual
To facilitate practical knowledge sharing, the King Baudouin Foundation and the Flemish Institute for Science and Technology Assessment, both actively involved in participatory methods, decided to edit a publication with the ambition to create a hands-on toolkit for starting up and managing participatory projects. The original English edition of the toolkit first appeared in December 2003. In the following year,we largely distributed copies all over Europe, Africa and Asia. On our websites, we counted several hundred of downloads of the toolkit. The success of this edition motivated us to produce a second completely revised and enlarged edition of the toolkit. The core of the toolkit incorporates 3 additional in-depth fiches on participatory methods giving a total of 13. This new edition adds Deliberative Polling®, 21st Century Town Meeting® and Technology Festival to the original set, and offers an expanded introductory chapter. You will still find brief overviews of 40 methods and techniques. A chapter with general guidelines for using participatory methods, including a comparative chart of the discussed methods, completes the toolkit. Nikki Slocum of the United Nations University in Bruges, the author of the first edition, again did an excellent job on the revision. The three new fiches were delivered by (in the above order) Janice Elliott of the Public Policy Forum (Canada), Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer with Wendy Jacobson of Global Voices - AmericaSpeaks (USA) and Sarah Heesterbeek of the Rathenau institute (The Netherlands). [Extracto, Preface]
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