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A Biofuels Approach For the Inter-American Development Bank



Given the potential benefits to the LAC region that a biofuels approach can offer, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB or the Bank), which serves this geographic area, is contemplating how it might help its member countries reap the benefits of the biofuels potential while minimizing adverse impacts. The purpose of this report is to put forward a potential prudent biofuels development approach for the Bank to accomplish this. It was developed drawing from written references and interviews with experts and “players” in the biofuels arena, both outside of the Bank as well as inside the Bank (both are listed at the end of the document). Moreover, the report builds upon a previous report on biofuels commissioned by the IDB, Issue Paper on Biofuels in Latin America and the Caribbean. [Extracto, p. 7]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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