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Wind Integration into the Costa Rican Power Grid : Technical study, final report.



In light of the envisaged goal of introducing a fully carbon free electrical power industry in Costa Rica (CR) by the year 2021, extensive development of wind generation can play a key role in future electricity generation, especially under consideration of the fact that wind and hydro resources - the latter of which are widely developed in Costa Rica - are complementary to each other. However, due to the fluctuating nature of wind generation, its share in relation to other forms of electricity generation has to be carefully balanced in order not to jeopardize stable and secure power system operation.. During the course of an official visit by a German delegation led by Mr. Mueller, the former Parliamentary State Secretary of German Ministry of Environment end of September 2008, it was stated that, following the goals of the International Climate Initiative and in order to exploit the broad German experience in the area of large scale wind generation, closer cooperation between Costa Rican and German entities in the area of wind generation should be commenced. Therefore, in late 2008, the German Ministry of Environment commissioned the Department of Power Systems (EAN) of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, to compile in which way such collaboration on the technical level could be conducted.. A first meeting of two representatives from the University of Duisburg-Essen and specialists of power generation and grid planning departments from the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) was held in December 2008 in the ICE Sabana building, San Jose, CR. During the course of this session the contents and prerequisites of a detailed wind integration study for the Costa Rican power system were elaborated. The results were summarized in form of a concept study which was made available in January 2009.. In consequence, in September 2009, EAN was commissioned by the German Ministry of Environment to conduct the detailed study in order to investigate the Costa Rican power system performance under the influence of large scale wind generation. Two on-site meetings in San Jose were held in January and March 2010, respectively, arranged preferentially in order to clarify details of the data sets handed out by ICE to EAN, and to set up different scenarios reflecting the expected growth of electricity consumption, the evolution of conventional types of electricity generation and the grid, and as well as assumed wind generation extension in the years 2012 and 2016, as basis for the simulative calculations to be performed. The simulations themselves were carried out by EAN due to their existing wind generation models to be used. The results of these simulations as well as the drawn conclusions are the main part of the subsequent study..

Ilus. Mapas

Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA

Grettel Ruiz Matarrita

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