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Compatibility testing of fluorescent lamp and ballast system.



The rapid growth in the use of electronic ballast for flourescent lighting systems, and the correponding increase in the number of a new products and new manofacturers in the market, has raised a number of questions regarding the compatibility of the lamps and ballast used in flourescent system. Because many of the new produts start an operate lamps differently than previous produts, the relevant ANSI requirements may no longer be adecuate for addressing compatibility concerns. The ipacts on system performance of the newer products has not been well estabilished. This paper reports the results of a parametric study designed to test key hypotheses regarding the impacts of key ballast parametres on flourescent lamp life. In this study samples of four-foot T8 flourescent lamps were operated on duty cycles of five minutes off, using seven different ballast types. The results of the study indicate wich parameters seem to have the biggest effect on lamp life, and can be used in estabilishig new performance standards for flourescent system..

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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA

Grettel Ruiz Matarrita

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Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems