On the development of a reliability based optimal renewable energy model for the sustainable energy scene in India. J-0459. International Journal of Ambient Energy.
Sustainable Energy Development Plannig has been the thrust area in developing countries like India. An Optimal Renwable Energy Model(OREM) with Reliability constraint which minimises the cost efficiency ratio has been developed. The other constrains included in the model are social acceptance, resourse limitation, demand and realibility factors. Thirty eight different renewable energy options are considered in the model. The OREM gives the allocation of rewable energy sources four lighting, cooking, pumping, heating, cooling and transportation end-uses for the year 2020-21 in India. For sustainable energy, the reliability of rewable energy systems have to be considered. In this paper, a detailed study has been made to analize the reliability of a 15 kW solar photovoltic system, wich will be used in one of the constraint equations of the model. Reliability analysis reveals that there were no technical failures in the photovoltaic devices. But the power conversion accesories, such as the inverter and output contactor experienced failure rates of 1.48*10-4/hour and 1.67*10-4/hour respectively resulting in poor realibility of the sistem. The realibility factor of the photovoltaic system is foun to be 0.2 at 5000 hours..
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