Proceedings. Expert system for determining compliance with the Texas Building Energy Design Standard. Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid climates [10, 13-14 may 1996, Texas].
Demonstration of compliance with the Texas Building Energy Conservation Desing Standard involves completion of a summary checklist for each of its sections. This manual checking is tedious. Furthermore, no comprehensive documentation of the user's compliancechecker must manage the data collected. To assist designers in complying with the Standardand to reduce the time required, the Center For Energy Studies(CES) at the University of Texas at Austinhas developed an expert system to serve has both the compliance procedure and its documentation. This expert system directs the user with queries, prompting the user for all relevant information. A grphiucal use interface has been developed to facilitate quick navigation through the Standard, easy data entry, and identificaton of compiance failures. This paper descrbes the research approach to the expert system, the system features, current status of project, and the benefits to be derived from this innovative compliance tool..
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