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WARP : a modular wind power system for distributed electric utility application. J. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.



Steady development of turbine technology, and the accumulation of wind farm operating experience, have resulted in the emergence of wind power as a potentially atractive source of electricity for utilities. Since wind turbines are inherently modular, with medium sized units typically in the range of a few hundred kilowatts each, they lend themselves well to distributed generation service. A patented wind power technology, the toroidal accelerator rotor platform wind frame, forms the basis for a proposed network-distributed, wind power plant combing electric generation and transmission. While heavily building on proven wind turbine technology, this system is projected to surpass traditional configuration windmills through a unique distribution/transmission combination, superior performance, user-friendly operation and maintenance, and high availability and reliability.Furthermore its enviromental benefits include little new land requeriment, relatively attractive apperance, lower noise and EMI/TV interference and reduced avian mortality potential. Its cost of energy is projected to be very competitive, in the range of from approximately 2colones/kwh a 5 colones/kwh depending on the wind resource..

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