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Potential energy savings in the production route for plastics. J. Energy Convers.



The gross energy requirement (GER) for the major petrochemical products (ethylene, propylene, butadiene and benzene) and the major bulk polymers (low density polystyrene and the polyvinylchloride) is determined. The GER-values for LDPE, PP, PS and PVC are 69.8. 61.6. 81.5. and 55.7. GJ/ton, respectively. The potential energy saving in the process chain for each product is assessed on the basis of commercially available technologies. The profitable potential, saving, (i.e. with a payback period shorter than 3 yr) is about 8. of the GER-figure. The technical potential for saving varies from 12. for the ethylene to 25. for PVC. In addiction, the potential saving are investigated for the industrial sectors involved, namely oil refining (15. of the total primary energy demand), inorganic chemicals (6. ) and petrochemicals (9. )..

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