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Cars and climate change. Energy and the environment series.



GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM THE TRANSPORT SECTOR. TRANSPORT AND THE ENVIRONMENT. Transport energy consumption. Transport and the environment. Transport energy outlook. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM TRANSPORT: MODAL COMPARISON. Road passenger transport. Cars. Buses. Road freight transport. Passenger transport by air. Rail transport case study. Air transport case study. Freight transport by ships. Marine transport case study. PROSPECTS FOR GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION ABATEMENT THROUGH TECHNICAL CHANGE IN ROAD VEHICLES. EMISSIONS FROM LIGHT DUTY VEHICLES. Gasoline Engines. Emissions. Influences on emissions and efficiency. Diesel engines. Emissions. Influences on emissions and efficiency. THE POTENCIAL FOR IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY. Improving drivetrain efficiency. Reducing tractive effort requirements. The outlook for car fuel economy. LIFE-CYCLE ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVE FUELS. Alternative fuel technology. The life cycle emissions model. Stages in the life cycle analysis. Alternative fuels and their life cycle emissions. Gasoline. Liquefied petroleum gas(LGP). Natural gas. Alcohol fuels. Hydrogen. Electric vehicules. Comparison of greenhouse gas emissions. ECONOMIC POTENCIAL OF ALTERNATIVE FUELS. Underlying assumptions. Calculation of Levelised Costs. Results. Breakdown of fuel greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Potencial for greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Further work. HEAVY-DUTY DIESEL VEHICULES. Energy use in heavy-duty vehicles. Current engines. Legislated emission requirements. Improvements in engine technology. Exhaust treatment. Fuel quality. Alternative fuels. MARKETS AND POLICIES. The current market. Vehicle stock. Gasoline. Diesel. Outlook-Gasoline and Diesel consumption. Environmental legislation. Legislation in california. Alternative transport fuels. The furure for alternative fuel and electric vehicles. ALTERNATIVE FUELS MARKET POTENTIAL IN OECD EUROPE. The current market. Vehicle stock. Gasoline. Diesel. Outlook-gasoline and diesel consumption. Environmental legislation. Legislation in the European community. Legislation in Non-EC countries. Alternative transport fuels. MARKETS AND POLICIES. Conditions for technical change. Vehicle manufacturers. Fuel suppliers. Consumers. Intervention in the transport market. Internalising external costs. Energy security. Congestion and traffic management. Accidents. Fuel taxes.

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