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Integrating sustainability into agroforestry projects : a workshop framework for NGO program managers.



ASSESS THE CONTEXT FOR SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Assess Implementation Strategies. What is Sustainable Development and what are some Critical Elements?. What is the Role of Forestry, Agroforestry and Watershed Managment in Sustainable Development?. What are the limitations of Conventional Methods of Technology Development and Promotion and the Project Aid Aproach?. IDENTIFY LOCAL NEEDS AND ASSESS CAPABILITIES TO ACHIEVE SUSTAINED DEVELOPMENT. Who Are Our Intented Beneficiaries and What Are Their Problems?. Diagnose Farming Systems. What Are Alternative Solutions to Farmer Problems?. What Are the Gaps in Farmers' Capabilities to Overcome Their Problems and Sustain Developmen?. ASSESS FIELD OFFICE SUPPORT FOR LOCAL ACTION AND ITS CAPABILITY TO PROVIDE THAT SUPPORT. How Can the Programs Be More Effective?. Designing Strategies for Technology Development and Promotion. What NGO Actions Are Necessary to Adopt the Recommendations?. Worshop Conclusions and Evaluation.

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