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Electricity: efficient end-use and new generation technologies, and their planning implications.



END-USE OF ELECTRICITY. Energy-efficient electric motor drive systems. Energy efficient lighting. Energy efficient windows: options with present and forthcoming technology. Low electricity appliances-options for the future. Heat pumps. Use of electricity in comercial buildings. Building design and electricity use in single family houses. Electrotechnologies and steelmaking. New electrothermal processes. Keeping score in electricity conservation programs. Superconductivity and the efficient use of electricity. Electronic office equipment:The impact of market trends and technology on end-use demand for electricity. The role of sectoral shift in trends in electricity use in United States and swidish manufacturing and in comparing forecasts. Technological change and industrial electricity use. NEW GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES. Expanding roles for gas turbines in power generation. Pressurised fluidised bed combustion. Low-cost power from thin-film photovoltaics. Fuels cells. Coal gadsification technologies for combined cycle power generation. Biomass gasification for gas turbine power generation. IMPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING. Implementing electricity conservation programs:Progress towards least-cost energy services among U.S utilities. The coming reformation of the electric utility industry. Planning implications of electricity conservation: the case of Denmark. Energy service companies: the French Experience. Innovative approaches to marketing electric efficiency. The importance of government-supported research and development in advancing energy efficiency in the United States buildings sector. The challenge of choices: Technology options for the swedish electricity sector.

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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA

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