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Review of electricity conservation programs for developing countries.



The growing burden of producing and distributing electricity in developing countries can be eased through investments in cost-effective measures to improve the efficiency with which electricity is used. In order to overcome the many market and institutional barriers that inhibit investments in efficiency improvements, governments and utilities should establish programs and policies to promote electricity conservation. Developing countries can turn to conservation programs used in other developed and developing countries for information on designing and implementing electricity conservation programs. Among the programs that should be considered are performance testing, labeling, and minimum effeciency standards for electric equipment, energy audits, training courses, technology development and commercialization programs, building codes, energy management requirements, electric rate incentives, rebates to purchasers of high efficiency equipment, favorable financing and tax arrangements, and least-cost utility planning. A thorough review and analysis of such programs implemented by other countries will greatly increase the likelihood that developing countries can launch successful, new electricity conservation programs..

Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA

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