Industrial energy efficiency: trends, savings potential and policy options.
ENERGY USE AND INTENSITY TRENDS. ENERGY EFFICIENCY POTENCIAL. Process and Product Improvements. Electric Motor Systems. BARRIERS TO GREATER ENERGY EFFICIENCY. STRATEGIES FOR INCREASING INDUSTRIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY. Research, Development and Demonstration. Industrial Equipment. Technical Assistance. Utility Programs. Industrial Energy-Efficiency Targets. Financial Incentives. Voluntary Programs.
Presenta gráfs. y tbls.
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
Grettel Ruiz Matarrita
Calle 25, Avenidas 8 y 10. San José, Costa Rica
(506)25476900 - 25476239
De lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 12m.