Properties of water and steam in SI-Units = Zustandsgroessen von wasser und wasserdampf in SI-einheiten 0-800 C° 0-1000 bar.
INTRODUCTION. Generalities. Thermodynamic properties used in the tables and their units. Thermodynamic relations. Fundamental quantities. Bibliography with appendix. TABLES OF THE PROPERTIES OF WATER AND STEAM. State of saturation -temperature table. State of saturation -pressure table. Water and superheated steam. Water and superheated steam with 1 K-Steps of temperature in the critical range. International skeleton tables with tolerances. Specific heat capacity at constant pressure cp in kJ/Kg K. Prandtl number as function of pressure p and temperature t. Dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity and prandtl number in the state saturation. Diagrams of transport properties. Surface tension and Laplace coefficient. Isentropic exponent. Static dielectric (static permittivity). Ion product. FORMULATIONS AND EQUATIONS. The 1967 IFC Formulation for industrial use. Equations for dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity. ENCLOSED DIAGRAMS. Mollier h,s, diagram. T,s-diagram.
Presenta gráfs. y esencialmente tbls.
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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