Rational use of energy and oil-substitution in the textile industry. Seminario Internacional sobre uso racional de la energía en la industria [4-8 Jul. 1983, Lima].
Following a decline that commenced in the 1960s, the dutch textil industry today holds only a modest position in national manufacturing. Sales in 1980 totalled c.2.3. of an aggregate Dutch industrial production worth about US $1.6 bln. In 1960 this share was 7.6. . Major causes of this dramatic decline, involving the loss of 88,000 jobs, were rising imports of textile products and machinery obsolescence in the big Dutch textile concerns. Today a certain consolidation has been achieved and policies seek to promote the manufacture of high quality specialties and modernisation of the production process. The textile industry's share in total Dutch industrial energy consumption is c. 1. . For primary fuels it relies for c. 85. on natural gas and for the rest on oil. Large energy-intensive plants cover c.40. of their electricity needs by combined heat and power generation. The remaining 60. comes from public supply. A survey of the development of energy as a proportion of total costs will make it clear that, dutch energy prices being what they are, energy costs account on average for 10-15. of total production costs in the textile industry. Hence a specific energy policy can have a positive effect on the cost structure of the textile industry by: 1) increasing energy efficiency (the technical and economic aspects of various conservation possibilities in the most energy-intensive components of the textile-making process will be discussed, stating the energetic key figures for these components)... (para más información ver documento).
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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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