Creating a government that works better and costs less : report of the National Performance Review.
CUTTING RED TAPE. Streamlining the budget process. Decentralizing personnel policy. Streamlining procurement. Reorienting the inspectors general. Eliminating regulatory overkill. Empower state and local governments. PUTTING CUSTOMERS FIRST. Giving customers a voice-and a choice. Making service organizations compete. Creating market mechanism to solve problems. EMPOWERING EMPLOYEES TO GET RESULTS. Decentralizing decisionmaking power. Hold all federal employees accountable for results. Giving federal workers the tools they need to do their jobs. Enhancing a labor-management partnership. Exert leadership. CUTTING BACK TO BASICS. Eliminate what we don't need. Collecting more. Investing in greater productivity. Reengineering programs to cut costs. APPENDIX A: National perfomance review major recommendations by agency. APPENDIX B: National perfomance review summary of savings. APPENDIX C: National perfomance review major recomendations affecting governmental systems.
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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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