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Proceedings of the 6th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop 1985. Discharge analysis of well 9 in Reykjanes field, Iceland. New Zealand Geothermal Workshop [7-9 Nov. 1984, New Zealand].




A discharge analysis method is presented in terms of three key elements: two-phase flow wellbore simulator, reservoir productivity index, and wellbore pivot point based on pressure surveys. The evaluation and production testing of well 9 in the Reykjanes high-temperature field in Iceland, are reported and discussed. The output of this well was measured 180 kg/s at wellhead pressure of 20 barg-g. The main freedzone of the well was found to be in the depth range 1340-1350 m. The temperature in the inflow brine-similar to seaawater in composition was determined in the range 280-290°C. Calculations showed that the well's deliverability depends greatly on the wellbore diameter, and the enthalpy of the steam-brine mixture..

Presenta diagrs., gráfs. y tbls.

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