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Follow-up study to the driver energy conservation awareness training program -DECAT-. TR/82W.



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. PROGRAM EVALUATION: DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY. RESULTS. BACKGROUND ON ALL GRADUATES SAMPLED. COURSE ASSESSMENT BY GRADUATES CONDUCTING CLASSES. NETWORK. COST-EFFECTIVENESS. CONCLUSIONS ANS IMPLICATIONS. INTRODUCTION. Purpose. Background. The DECAT training course. Study objectives. Study methodology. Organization of the report. RESULTS OF RESPONSES PROVIDED BY TOTAL SAMPLE. Background. Effectiveness of the DECAT course. Summary and conclusions. RESULTS OF RESPONDENTS CONDICTING CLASSES. BAckground. Organizational data. Summary and implications. Effectiveness of DECAT implementation and recommended solutions. Summary and implications. NETWORK. Instructor training. Driver training. Summary and conclusions. COST-EFFECTIVENESS. DECAT fuel savings. DECAT costs. Methods for obtaining fuel savings. Benefit/cost analysis. Summary and conclusions.

Presenta tbls. Contrato No. DE-ACO1-80CS50153

Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA

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