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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Traditional and improved cookstoves. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].


v. 2


Non-commercial fuels supply energy requirements for rural domestic cooking in India. A survey was undertaken to study cookstoves, utensils for cooking and fuel consumption of house-holds of a village in Gujarat. Performance of rural cookstove used in Gujarat and five models of improved cookstoves developed in different parts of the country were investigated. Water boiling test were carried out on each stove. Average fuel consumption, test time, burning rate, net and overall efficiencies were computed from data collected for each of the stoves. It was observed that rural households use 'U' shaped shielded wood burning cookstoves. They cook two meals a day and depend on gathered fuels to a greater extent than purchased fuels. Improved cookstoves gave bettern performance than open fire and traditional rural stove. Improved cookstoves differed significantly from each other in its performance. Rural cookstove consumed less fuel than open fire in the water boiling test. Performance of some of the improved stoves was comparable with that of rural cookstove. The experiments suggest that designing of improved cookstove need careful consideration and new cookstoves need to be evaluated against rural cookstoves. Promotion of new stoves should be based on its fuel saving cost, cultural fitness and design in relation to traditional cookstoves of a particular region.. INTRODUCTION. METHODOLOGY. Survey of rural households. Experiments on cookstoves. Construction of stoves. Details of test procedures. Data Analysis. MAJOR FINDINGS. Baseline data of rural households. Cooking utensils and stove units. Fuels availed of by rural households. Satisfaction regarding traditional chylahs. Performance of cookstoves. Economics of operationg cookstoves based on WBT. CONCLUSIONS. REFERENCES.

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