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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. On some techniques concerning system energy modelling and an example of application. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].


v. 2


The realization of effective energy policies can be strongly affected by the availability of suitable and reliable analysis tools for modelling and interpreting the system at hand. The modelling that we have been using refers to some recent techniques which were developed in order to take into account both mass flows and associated costs. Owing to their structure and to the possibility of applying sophisticated mathematical instruments (such as graph theory), these modelling techniques seem to be quite appealing for automatic data handling and evaluation. After discussing the main features of the modelling framework, we will get into the problem of its application to an actual situation. The case study will be concerned with the area within Piemonte region in Northern Italy, where a nuclear power station is planned for installation. For this peculiar situation, at least in a preliminary stage, we will put into evidence the characteristics of the area and show how the considered model can be applied for energy data handling and, within some scenarios, for yielding useful information on the actions to be taken and on the consequences that ought to be foreseen.. ABSTRACT. BACKGROUND. THE CASE STUDY. THE SYSTEM MODELLING. THE ANALYSIS OF THE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS, DEVELOPMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS. REFERENCES.

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