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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Wind energy in Spain: current status and prospects. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].


v. 2


The development of wind energy conversion technology and the implementation of these systems in Spain are considered in this document. Wind energy has several advantages over other energy sources, specially in regions with enough wind level as Canary Islands, South, Northeast and Northwest of the mainland, and it can contribute to diminish the spanish external energy dependence. From an economic point of wiew, at present wind energy can not compite with conventional energy sources, but the Administration is making a considerable effort to push the development of wind energy technology as well as to help manufacturers. In next years, two big and several smaller programs can be pushed by the Spanish Administration and 45 MW nominal capacity wind power will be installed, mainly in Canary Islands. JUAN PECHES ESCANDELL. GAS Y ELECTRICIDAD, S.A.. ABSTRACT. LETTER.

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