Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Experimental study of some materials and techniques for the building of fluorescent solar collectors. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].
v. 2
We have studied a wide range of fluorescent substances, which are capable (in solution or impregnated into a suitable optical medium) to collect and concentrate the incident solar radiation. For each material we have determined the concentration corresponding to the maximun efficiency of fluorescent substance, as well as the absorption and emission spectra. We have analyzed the collector geometry (with the fluorescent substance in solution or impregnated in PMMA) in order to obtain the most efficient use of the optical medium. We have also approached the study of the combined use of those substances in order to obtain a wider absorption spectrum and we have considered the possibility of using fluorescent collectors in solar concentrators. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. THE GEOMETRY ANALYSIS OF FLUORESCENT CONCENTRATORS. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. PROSPECTS OF EXTENDING OF FSC APPLCATIONS FIELD. Coupling by concentrators. Use of FSC for many spectral photovoltaic conversion. Thermal energy conversion. CONCLUSIONS. REFERENCES.
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