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Proceedings of the 1986 International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources. Experimental plant for solar energy thermal applications. International Congress on Renewable Energy Sources [18-23 Mayo 1986, Madrid].


v. 2


Solar energy utilization on a scale with a significant impact on the energy economy, requires a wide range of Research and Demostration activities. The Experimental Solar Energy Unit at C.S.I.C., Madrid, has been established with the primary aim of contributing of the application of Solar Energy in our country though the study of Solar Systems. The activities are subdivided into two lines: Analysis methods of radiation data needed to carry out solar energy projects and Experimental Study of components and complete solar heating systems in order to determine their performance under actual Spanish Weather conditions.. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. SOLAR SPACE COOLING AT C.S.I.C. EXPERIMENTAL PLANT. PERFORMANCE RESULTS OF TROMBE-WALL PASSIVE SYSTEM. COLECTION AND SEASONAL STORAGE OF ENERGY WITH A SOLAR POND. SMALL SCALE SOLAR DRYER FOR DEHYDRATATION OF PERISHABLE FOOD. SOLAR RADIATION DATA. REFERENCES.

Presenta diagrs. y tbls.

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